Saturday, November 3, 2012

How To Take Control Of Your Personal Finances

We have all heard the saying about money making the world go round, and the reality is that it does. You need it in order to survive, but many of us do not have enough of it. It is very hard to make ends meet when your budget is not very large. Continue reading for some handy tips that will make your money stretch a bit further.

Try not to spend as much money as you earn. Many people these days end up spending more money than they earn, which puts them in debt. This debt continues to pile up until it is unmanageable. By spending less money than you earn, you can pay off any debt and save up some money so that your financial situation is never put in jeopardy.

Make sure you are contributing a portion of your income to a retirement account. The amount you should invest depends on several factors, such as when you begin to invest, what you're investing in and when you plan on retiring. However, for the most part, it is a good idea to invest as much as you can in retirement plans that provide you with tax advantages. If you are older, you may need to contribute even more money so that you can catch up with the younger people who are contributing to a retirement account.

Try to tuck a bit of money away in a savings each week. You do not have to save a huge amount to grow a nice nest egg. You can put away a few dollars a week in an interest-bearing checking account. You will not miss the small amount that you are putting away and over time this can grow to be a pretty substantial amount. This money can be very useful in case you have an emergency or some other unexpected expense. It will prevent you from having any huge financial setbacks.

Pay less for what you need. Start couponing, and combine them with sales on items you need. Switch to less expensive brands. Sign up for reward cards at your local stores, which can help you save more money on items and earn rewards for gas. Buy produce that is in season, which tends to be cheaper. Scour local yard sales for unique finds in clothing, toys and furniture. Buy seasonal clothing and foods at the end of the season, when items are marked down for quick sales. The Internet is also a treasure trove for finding things free or for cheap. You Tube has a selection of movies that can be legally watched for free. There are also many games and types of software that are free to use as well.

If you qualify for government benefits like food stamps (also known as SNAP) or welfare (better known as TANF), take advantage of them. These programs exist to help people get back on their feet. You've been paying into them, so you've earned your right to use them. These programs may also connect you with other resources to help you find a new or better job, or get training. There is never any shame in asking for help.

It's not always easy to make ends meet in this economy. Even if things won't get better right away, it doesn't mean you're not surviving. Living frugally will help make your paycheck go further, and give you the sense that you're doing everything you can. You'll set a sound financial example for your family as well.

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