Thursday, November 29, 2012

Consider The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Substance Abuse Counselor Certification

If you are on the lookout for a career where you will get to help people, it may be a good idea to look into counseling courses. There are many types of counseling certifications you can go for and your choice depends on what you want to focus on. For people who want to focus more on the problems of substance abusers, it is a good idea to go for substance abuse counseling. But before you think this is all there is to making a decision, you have to think about the many pros and cons of getting substance abuse counselor certification. Perhaps it is a good idea to have a look at career opportunities for people with this certification. You need not be worried you will be out of a job because experts predict a rise in the number of substance abuse counselor jobs. You do not have to worry about your substance abuse counselor certification going to waste after you have spent so much for it. While it is true that you can become a substance abuse counselor with no more than a high school diploma, you will find yourself being passed over for the people who do. You will also like how getting a certificate can lead you to other places in the country because once you get certification you can practice wherever you want in the country. This is a huge bonus for people who want to get out of their home towns and build successful careers as substance abuse counselors in other states. Do understand though that if you are to go for a certification program, you may need to go for graduate studies first. However, this should not be an issue not when there are so many online graduate programs available for you to take. There are even online substance abuse certification courses you can enroll in.

If you would like to get involved in counseling but hesitate to get involved with substance abusers, there are other counseling careers for you to choose from. for a lot of people, building a career that specializes in grief counseling is also very fulfilling. You may still get patients who are borderline substance abusers but they will not constitute the majority of your clients. You may not work with substance abusers but you will still be working in a highly stressful environment.

Before you make any decisions, it would be best for you to check out the details of each job. It would be in your best interests to have a look at information to be found on that of website of AIHCP as they have some very useful pieces of information for you. While you are there, why not check out the certificate courses they have to offer? It will also be to your advantage to check if you fit their requirements.

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