Thursday, November 29, 2012

How To Be A Fantastic Pickup Artist?

You may think that a few guys were born with the ability to be a pickup artist, but the truth is that no man is born with the ability to comprehend how women think and how they will react to you and your approach, and how to use that information to your benefit. The truth is that every fantastic pickup artist went through a 3-step procedure to become the ladies man he is now.

1. The Coach

Many guys make an effort to learn things by themselves. Nevertheless, when they face a couple of rejections they understand that they need an individual who has already been through the phase of trial and error; someone who fully grasps what women like and what they do not

A coach doesn't have to be someone who you meet in person to talk about your weaknesses and strengths; although, if you can look for a coach who will do that then that is a bonus. If you spend some time with a guy who understands women, then you will really learn a whole lot from him.

Nevertheless, a coach can also be a guy who has written a book, made a video, or made a website based on his information and success with women. This can be a person that you will never meet but because he is willing to share tricks and tips about picking up women, you will learn a lot from him.

2. He Discussed Issues With Like-Minded Men

Whilst you will learn a lot from a coach, you can perfect what you learn from him by talking to a group of men. If you find it difficult to go out with men and talk about your pickup skills then you can join an internet community like a pick-up artist forum.

Pick-Up Artist forums are full of men that can help you perfect your skills and answer your questions about picking up women, but the help goes far beyond that. There will be men who will help you by improving your humor, self-confidence and relationship skills. Essentially, a good PUA forum can teach you everything you need to know, every step of the way, and allow you to help other men enhance their pickup artist skills too.

3. Rejection Is A Major Part Of The Game

You may think that the guy who gets all the women has never been rejected, but the truth is that he has been. In fact, any rejection in his past has helped him become the fantastic pickup artist that he is now.

It is simple to get a good coach and a group of guys to talk about your pickup artist skills with, however, if the techniques you learn don't work in real life, then it would not be of much use.

Small details such as how you use your body gestures, what you say to a woman, and how you react to her responses can make or break your success with women. Nevertheless, the only way to perfect your skills is by talking with real women. When you get reject then you would know one reason for rejection and then you can remove the reason from your approach.

Finally, any guy who is a fantastic pickup artist now has either been through this 3-step procedure or spent years on his own perfecting his game through trial and error. If you wish to understand how to pickup women, then it is better to use the above mentioned three steps.

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