Monday, November 5, 2012

5 Easy Hypnosis Techniques that You can Try

Hypnosis has been used since time immemorial to improve individual efficiency, alter behavior as well as positively influence wellness. Many individuals experience diminished quality of life and are weighed down by their exceedingly strenuous work and school schedules. Hypnosis is one of the best methods of stress aid that is not time and energy consuming.

The following are 5 simple Hypnosis techniques that can be employed in their lives.

Technique # 1: Simple Deep Breathing

One of the least complicated Hypnosis techniques one can practice is simple deep breathing. Breathing in deeply is the very first step in Hypnosis and is very effective in calming and relaxing one down. The use of one's imagination is imperative while utilizing this technique. Imagining that the air you are breathing in is reaching every remote region of your body aids in the relaxation process. The technique does not only take very little time to be effective but is also very simple and easy to carry out.

Technique # 2: The Waterfall

This particular technique of Hypnosis is reputed to be a very highly effective stress reliever. One is expected to take in several deep breaths while imagining that they are watching a relaxing waterfall made of positive energy. One should imagine that the waterfall streams are made of positive, relaxing, healing energy. Imagine that you are stepping into the streams of this waterfall and let it flow from the top of your head, flow over your shoulders, down you back, stomach and legs. Whether the energy feels cool or warm is a matter of personal preference. In essence, the stream of positive energy should flow down the length of your body. The waterfall technique is a highly effective pick me up that is considered the ultimate stress reliever.

Technique # 3: Mini Power Nap

This technique should not take more than 5 mins of your time but is also reputed to be a very highly effective Hypnosis technique. It is especially recommended for individuals who are experiencing run-down and usually lethargic. It is worth noting that this technique should be done in a seated position in order to avoid falling into deep sleep. The very first step is taking deeps breaths with your eyes closed in order to release body tension. Imagine that you are in a setting that makes you feel relaxed, secure, and safe in the center of your being. Tell yourself that that time has been specially set aside for you to recharge your spirit, mind and body in a quick amount of time.

Technique # 4: The Silva Method

The technique requires that you close your eyes and take very deep breathes. As one begins to relax, he/she should take three deep breathes. On the very first exhale, visualize and repeat the number 3 three times. On the second exhale, visualize and repeat the number 2 three times. On the third exhale, visualize and repeat the number 1 three times. The cycle should be repeated until eventually one feels relaxed and energized.

Technique # 5: See, Hear, Feel

This technique requires that one stare at a particular position or object in front of them. Take note of what you hear and what you are sensing. Close your eyes and repeat the cycle. See, hear and feel until eventually you are relaxed and energized.

Call up a specialist at the Right Now Wellness, 304 Turner Road, Suite H, Richmond, VA 23225, 804-977-1148 to find out more about how different hypnosis treatments can help you. You may also view their video below.

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