Friday, November 18, 2011

Things That Women 50 Plus Dating Should Know

You may possibly be one of the many women 50 plus, dating and seeking somebody fascinating to be with but always keep in mind that you also have your kids to think about. If you are, you should know how to control the circumstances and include them in your plans. Another thing is to be real with your dating partner that you are single but you are a mother who have kids to look after.

You Own Conditions

Everybody wants to be in the perfect relationship. But since you have kids, though you are single, you should find how to call the shots. Begging is very much different from trying to find something on your own. Do not let your dating partner do the decision making for you. Though, be honest. You may be 50 but you are still somebody and a great somebody at that. If a guy forces you to do something against your will DUMP him instantly!

With regards to your kids, see they know what they need to know. Tell them you are ready to see other people and date friends. Get their feed back and reactions. Make them feel part of your life including your ''love life''. You'll be surprise at the many advice they are willing to share in order to make sure you feel happy. Just open your communication lines and you'll be alright.

Don't Tell Too Much

You can be open but there are certain details you need not tell your kids. You shouldn't tell them about every guy you want to date. Give them adequate details particularly for guys you feel strongly about. Avoid doing overnight dates specially if you are not ready to give explanation on your engagements the entire night. Be honest enough for them to understand but avoid sneaking around because it is not a good example for them. Whether they find out later or not it will always be on your conscience because later on you'll have this same talk with them and you'll be the one giving advice on sex and being responsible young adults.

Don't Be Pressured

No one can decide what will happen to your life but you. Know where you stand and don't feel forced by your kids or your guy dates. Every time learn to control the circumstances without sacrificing your happiness. Be vocal especially to your kids and to your dating partners. Do not keep the burden by yourself. They will eventually develop respect for them and for you as a single mother.

When You Are On A Date, Actually Enjoy!

For women 50 plus, dating can be difficult particularly if they have still kids to support. That is why it is important to remember that when you decide to go out on a date, make sure you have a good time. Feeling guilty about being out on a date again and leave-taking your kids at home is a natural feeling because you are in the first place a parent. But also remember that if you keep on doing this you will eventually feel bad about yourself and your kids will certainly see and feel that you are having some problems. They will in turn feel guilty and in this situation, no one seems to be getting near happiness. Do what you feel is right, be a responsible adult and enjoy life!

It might be a complex circumstance for women 50 plus, dating, with kids and trying to get their lives back. But it is attainable and had been done countless of times by women who are getting back on their toes. Just follow the advice given above, talk to friends and family members who also went through the same situation and you'll be able to learn a lot.

At, discover articles about women over 50 dating and tips on 50 plus dating and relationship issues.

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