Saturday, November 19, 2011

Anxiety Attacks Need Not Bring Your Life To A Halt

Life is pleasant when we have sound health. Our mind can channelize so many positive thoughts that can make us lead a happy life. When things get tough, and if you are prone to worrying unnecessarily you must lighten up your lifestyle. Most of the people are becoming prone to anxiety attacks these days. People are also admitting their reaction to a situation which can be termed as a panic disorder. We can discuss this at length and also think of new approaches in medical science to know the actual cause of the problem. A person with the anxiety problem will need to assess what his priorities in his life are and then know how to deal with the situation.

Anxiety attacks can cause disturbances in a person’s life but an understanding family and the advice of a doctor can really put things straight. Anxiety affects all of us. It is the high standards of performance and juggling too many things that makes us more prone to panic. A panic situation can be very difficult to analyze. People may term as fear of a particular situation but if it affects frequently then it is a cause of concern. Kids also term it as feeling not fine and hence it may go unnoticed. The breathlessness or choking sensation can make a person dizzy. Anxiety can be cured via therapy.

Relaxing before the situation or taking a few deep breaths is the key to knowing how to control the panic situation. Each person has a separate mental make and psychological structure that can start anxiety attacks. Hence the response to treatment will also be different. The stress factor has to be dealt well. If the person is already have some pills to take care a medical problem that too will have to be dealt with specifically. The physical reaction to anxiety is also noticeable. Sometimes the person may turn net or there is quite a change in the pallor of skin. Sweating is another condition. The person may also feel as though he is having an electric shock. It is highly essential to take care of the person to avoid any kind of harm

How to recognize the anxiety attacks?
1 Increase in the palpitation of the heart
2 Feeling disoriented
3 Showing great inconsistency in decision making
4 Twitching of facial muscles
5 Not getting the right words to express him self

Anxiety attacks can give psychological impact to a person. It is hard for his family members too. A person may recover instantly or it may take a few days. The person may be feeling shy about the experience and may be reluctant to move out of home. But a bit of care and loving friends can really help him in such situation. Feeling overwhelmed or caught in a situation can be changed if he is willing to go through treatment. The fear of the unknown is also a common reason for many people to suffer. The sick feeling can persist or it may go away but the effect can stay for a long time. The reminder of the scene can again cause the attack.

People worry a lot even for small things. But with proper councelling, one can overcome the tension and stress easily. Relaxing is the key factor that makes a person realize that it is quite possible for him to change his perspective so that life can be smooth. The usual symptom is often mistaken as a heart condition or some deep physical problem. Once the tests are done and things are clarified it can be seen as a reaction to stress, nothing else. The inability to deal with the situation can also be the cause of anxiety. The negative thoughts manifest in the mind of a person that cause confusion and hence they are often inconsolable. Anxiety attacks require proper treatment.

While dealing with anxiety attacks people have to be very much careful in noticing any harm the person may cause for himself. People also should be conscious of themselves when they know that they are prone to panic attacks. People with disorder must have a proper support group. Once can also take the help from the internet. Health care units also give you tips for relaxation and certain affirmations which work. This will also help a therapist carry on the session most effectively and give the best possible treatment.

Article by Beth Kaminski who is an expert in anxiety disorder. For more information on anxiety disorders, visit her site today.

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