Monday, November 28, 2011

A Look At Albert Ellis And His Legacy

By reading this article you will find many interesting pieces of facts about Albert Ellis. Albert Ellis is considered as one of the most influential psychotherapist in the history. He lived from September 27, 1913 to July 24, 2007. Albert is most known for formulating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Albert wrote more than 40 books and worked more than 15 hours a day. When Columbia awarded him a doctorate in 1947, he had started believing that psychoanalysis was the most earnest form of therapy. That is when he started to work on his REBT theory which he meant for to be a guide to rational living.
REBT was originally introduced in 1955. Rational emotive behavior therapy or REBT is a empirically based psychotherapy focused on resolving emotional disturbances. It is directed towards enabling people to lead more fulfilling lives. REBT was previously called rational emotive therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach, which aims to solve problems that are concerning bad feeling emotions through goal-oriented procedure.

A Guide to Rational Living is one of the most popular books written by Albert Ellis. It starts by briefly summarizing the results of Albert Ellis ground-breaking work on what we do that causes us to feel bad. Albert introduces ABC Model, which refers to three components of experience in which a person can ascertain in his or her belief system is distorted.

Simple Example:

The activating event: You are told by your partner that he/she is unhappy with you behavior.
The belief: Something is wrong with me.

Albert explains how and why we feel bad in such events, and how we can react healthier to those situations.

Albert also includes emotive and behavioral tools, many of which he created years ago and that his non-for-profit institute has used successfully for decades.

He was one of the most popular psychotherapists in the history. Elliss' books are being read at many different colleges.

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