Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How To Cope With Loneliness - Experiencing A Life That is Free

Loneliness can eat at your very spirit. Some of us are much better at being alone as compared to others. I use to be a individual who required a lot of people and also activity in my life. I wasn't use to being alone and also did not like the thought of visiting a log cabin in the woodlands without any one all-around but me. I absolutely wasn’t afraid of the night time or wild animals or bad people. I just wouldn't like the thought associated with simply being alone. Throughout life I was constantly surrounded by relatives, good friends, dates and then marriage and kids. I had been extremely involved from a Christian standpoint with adults and youth. My wife and I spent our twenty fifth anniversary with one hundred plus youngsters inside a cinder block building and we loved it.

Few years later God took my wife home and I was left behind. It felt like He had taken my world away from me. We had several daughters however they did not live at home, one married and one attending school. The house became quite lonely and I would sit on the patio until the wee hours of the morning. Over the following several years God started to mature myself as well as clearly show me the way to live life along with Him in a deeper way than I ever have.

I have been a Christian for quite a while, have taught, preached and have travelled to foreign lands in order to spread His word. Some of these locations were really dangerous. He used the death associated with my wife and also other losses in my life in order to show me His power as well as to allow me to enter into a deeper relationship with Him.

I have learned to surrender to Him, Jesus as well as the Holy Spirit. There isn't loneliness inside my life like it was soon after my wife died. I can be entirely by myself and now have a big smile on my face and peacefulness inside my heart. When bad things enter into my life or perhaps I am all alone I simply praise Him for being my Heavenly Father.

To discover more about How To Cope With Loneliness

To view our video click on: How To Cope With Loneliness

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