Monday, August 15, 2011

Top 7 Reasons To Know Yourself Better

Why be alive, if not to get to know yourself better?

Some people question the need to get to know themselves better. They believe you're better off just facing up to your world. Introspection is nothing but a waste of time.

This criticism probably comes from not seeing its true value and not having effective tools and techniques that actually produce results. Plus, we have all been taught by society to not look inside ourselves. This conditioning is so pervasive we usually don't even see it; like the fish doesn't see the water.

Let me list two instances:

1. We are taught we should love other people, but not ourselves. Loving yourself is selfish.

2. We are told to trust ourselves (sometimes!) but we're never taught how. Mostly we're taught to trust 'the system' in its many different forms such as religion, school, and government.

There's a constant unfolding going on inside each one of us. It's not static. When it seems static, then you can be sure that's a warning sign to really spend the time to get to know yourself better. Cause you're stuck! And stagnation will lead to pain.

And as for being selfish, well, doesn't it depend on just how you define the word? If loving yourself is selfish, then I'm all for it! To me, when you at least try to get to know yourself, that's an act of love.

So why would knowing yourself be valuable? Let's look at seven good reasons:

1. You're better able to interact with your reality when you know your strengths and weaknesses.

2. You're more likely to achieve success in life because you'll be able to use your talents more effectively. Because you took the time to learn about your talents!

3. You'll be able to interact with other people on a deeper, more real level, because as you learn about yourself you also learn about human nature.

4. Safety and security come from looking inward.

5. When you look inside yourself, it makes you happier because you'll be better equipped to meet your needs.

6. You'll be less likely to sabotage yourself.

7. It improves the odds of reconnecting with your Creator because that connection we all long for exists inside, not out in the world somewhere.

And why in the world are you even alive, if not to know yourself better so you can unite with a Higher Power?

You'll also experience less pain in your life, because pain comes from a longing for - and a separation from - some thing. In this case, the pain comes from being separated from yourself.

Plus, with self-exploration you will improve your imagination and creativity. You will feel more fully and think more clearly. You can strengthen your muscle of expectation. Which means you'll be much more predisposed to experience the life you want to live.

I believe there's a world of illusion 'out here', but a universe of reality exists inside me. I prefer to focus on reality as much as possible. I'm going to try to use the reality to manifest a better illusion.

One more point: as you get to know yourself better, you'll be less of a victim. When the time comes to get started, you can go to this page on emotional healing.

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