Monday, August 1, 2011

Medical Travel to Costa Rica a Maturing Industry

Medical Travel has become heavy business in Costa Rica as evidenced by the most recent Cosmetic Surgery Costa Rica Summit held here in San Jose in May. Among the participators were ourselves naturally, Health check Costa Rica, but also a number of luminaries from all parts of the world who contributed positively to the maturing nature of what remains an exceedingly nascent industry. The Cosmetic Surgery Costa Rica industry has been able to take hold and gain peoples confidence truly from all of the ground work which has come before related to the Tourism industry and the choice of Costa Rica as a favored retirement destination by such groups as the AARP, and Global living Mag. Before the economy went bankrupt worldwide Costa Rica was a boomtown, and necessarily become one again.

People are intimidated by the idea of journeying to a foreign country often , and traveling for a medical process is more daunting. I originally drove to Costa Rica from Boston 7 years back and I can remember being quite twitchy the whole journey and even my first year or so in Costa Rica. I believe this is natural because truly the environment is so weird and new and unfortunately USA citizens and Canadians have the very evil practice of lumping all of the Central American countries together in one ephemeral judgement that they have commingled thru sound bites and bits of hearsay or hardly heard reports into one giant frightening soup of Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Arms for Contras, Ollie North, Guatemala gang violence, Honduran unrest, and Mexican kill squads.

Well let me help to set the record straight. Costa Rica is the most relaxed place I have ever seen, if I hear an ambulance I am surprised, I think there could have been a police siren passing by once last year, and every time an aircraft passes overhead I am shocked at how surprised I am. Honestly if these folk were any more chilled out they'd be sleeping. However they are friendly and friendly and get this folks, they have the second highest average life-span in the world. They also have a socialised medication system that looks after everybody, and they have got an educated class that aims for excellence particularly in the realm of Medical therapy. Being just a few hours from most major American towns coupled with a peaceful stable country and unparalleled natural beauty has afforded Costa Rica the chance to become a country of incredible spirit typically from the explosion of investment and tourist bucks.

Any person considering using Medical Travel for Cosmetic surgery Costa rica should look up the statistics and take heart. A country with the second longest life-span in the world must manifestly be getting something right. Also in case you were not aware Costa Rica gave up its armed forces over 60 years ago and guess where most of that money flows now. Thats right, Medical care and education.

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