Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Key for Producing Success in Business and in Life

If you're like most people, you'd most likely want to experience greater success with your wealth and wellbeing. And it's likely that you have read plenty of ideas and techniques for creating what you want. Still, there is a critical secret that may have evaded you.

We all know that looks are often deceiving. From the things they see around them, many people feel that the world is a dangerous place where they need to work hard just to get by.

In actual fact, the opposite is true. We actually live in a supportive universe where anyone can tap into an unlimited source of power and wisdom that can make miracles happen.

The Single Most Overlooked Key to Wealth and Success

The foundation on which you need to build is Spirit. The name you give it - Creator, Source, God, Infinite - is unimportant. The point is understanding that you have access to a spiritual Intelligence that has a much broader perspective than you have. When you tap into this Spirit, anything is possible.

We've all seen what occurs when people seek riches to gratify addictive tendencies and urges to gain control over those around them. The picture is not pretty. These people feel that they are disconnected from their Source.

To turn this around, when an individual builds on a firm spiritual foundation, accessing the Infinite, everything changes. When you are connected with Source, you start to see things differently.

The Three Most Overlooked Keys to Success in Business and in Life

1. Realize that there is no need to compete, since there are no limits to what is possible.

2. You don't have to work night and day to advance. You feel most aligned with God when you slow down and let go of feeling burdened. Then the best direction to take becomes clear.

3. You don't have to feel like you are separate. The truth is that Infinite Intelligence is always with you.

How to Connect with Your Spiritual Source

The question becomes, "How do I access God?" The answer may surprise you. The solution is in taking control of your thoughts and feelings.

You are creating with your thoughts all day long. Most people are unaware of this fact, but it is fortunate that this is the way it works. After all, if you are not the one who is creating the way your life is now, how could you possibly change it?

The real key is to maintain a positive outlook about what you are creating and feel good, like it is happening now. If you think "With the Creator at my side, miracles are happening," they are. And when you feel this with your heart and soul, life becomes a magical adventure.

Click Here Now to read about how being afraid of money can stop you from succeeding.

Also,Or click on this next link if you want another SUCCESS ARTICLE.

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