Monday, June 20, 2011

Turn the Three Most Common Recipes for Failure into Effective Keys for Success

Everybody longs to create more success both in life and in business. The drive to be our best and feel completely alive is commendable. Unfortunately, in this passion to have an excellent life, a lot of us make the mistake of unwittingly falling prey to a number of enticing formulas for failure instead of grasping tested keys for success.

The question, then, is “How can you avoid the failures of those who are unprepared?” By taking your future in your own hands, as you are doing now. And the surest path to take is in the shadow of those who have achieved what you long to achieve.

The Most Widespread Formulas for Failure and Effective Secrets of Success

1. Working harder, as opposed to working smarter.

This is part of seeking the safety of the crowd. The majority of us grew up believing that we should focus on getting steady employment with health insurance and some kind of retirement package. It is becoming more and more unlikely that this will occur and even more unlikely to be satisfying. A lot of employees are finding themselves working extra jobs and extra hours just to make ends meet.

If you want to have a genuinely awesome life, you have to work smarter. Get out of that herd thinking. To get better results, you need to do things differently. And if you explore the facts, you’ll discover that following a path that is less traveled means you can earn much more by working less.

2. Holding out for the perfect time.

When you ask people when they plan to do the things they truly want to do, the most common reply is an obscure reference to that perfect time somewhere out in the future.

You might have observed that the perfect time never comes. The only time you have is now. Opportunity, as you may have heard, might only knock once. The fact that you’re reading this means opportunity is knocking right now. The critical point is to grab it and don’t let it go.

3. Groping sightlessly in the dark.

You are creating your life. If you are groping around without a clear picture of what you desire in life, how can you expect to succeed?

Start with forming a focused picture of where you are heading and what life is going to look like when you get there. Set your focus on your dream. Have a picture of your best possible future in front of you each day and notice how your life starts to change.

With this picture of a vibrant future in your thoughts, you are ready to venture forth and make it your reality. If you are doing what you are here to do, enjoying the things that create the greatest sense of aliveness and give life meaning, quitting is not a possibility. Many truly successful people say that the real secret to their success is that they didn't stop playing the game even though the people around them quit.

The people who succeed are the people who stick with it. Continue to take steps in direction of your dreams. It makes no difference how small these steps may be as long as you’re moving onward. You may be amazed to discover that even a little shift in your direction creates a large shift as you progress. And the time to commit to your dream is today.

Your Next Step

Follow this link on Creating Success in Your Own Wellness Business to find out ways to maximize your prospects for success in a booming marketplace with a Wellness Business.

And if you click on the next link, you can find more information on Creating Amazing Success.

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