Monday, June 6, 2011

Is Self-Worth Weakened By Over-Using Social Technology?

Defined by Webster's dictionary, Self-Worth is the confidence and satisfaction in oneself. Put in layman's terms, self worth is directly associated to the level of faith someone has in themselves.

Self-esteem is influenced by quite a few things such as relatives, peers, and performance. A person's self-confidence is ordinarily developed in their early childhood, and loved ones are the first influence. When a child gets into school, his peers turn into the 2nd influence on his self-worth. These earlier years always shape the kind of life a child can have.

Science now tells us that technology can also play a part in a person's self-worth. The over-use of technology, wherever it replaces face-to-face human interaction frequently has a unhealthy effect on the individual's experience of self-worth through time. The very best way to preserve and improve self-esteem is always to physically socialize. Being extensively involved in technology may possibly influence an individual to become overly introverted rather than properly extroverted.

There are some exceptions, though. The usage of socially enabled smart cellular phones and social media websites which include Facebook and Twitter may well enhance an individual’s self-confidence simply because the level of social connection is increased. Facebook is a web site to constantly stay socially connected, and smartphones may well give a person a feeling of empowerment and instant connection to one’s peers. But once again, when the utilization of the technology turns into a substitute for actual social interaction, self-worth will inevitably start to suffer.

Other consumer technologies which include video games often keep someone in his residence or room. For the reason that the best way to enrich self-image is to interact with close friends, video games do not generally encourage the social interaction of close relationships. It is possible to converse with peers during video games, nevertheless it won't encourage an active and healthy life. Video games with excessive violence might also reduce a person's self-esteem by promoting visions of depreciation, killing, and also a lack of regard for humanity.

While some technology might well positively affect a person's self-image, any technology when utilized as a substitute for human interaction, will eventually negatively impact it. One needs to be extremely careful about how they let technology to have an impact on them. Having technology in our daily life is usually convenient, entertaining, and informative, but without a healthy and balanced level of face-to-face human interaction, it might also negatively have an effect on our psychological well-being.

For further information about how to improve self-esteem go to

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