Saturday, April 9, 2011

Three Silly Notions About Gaining Expert Recognition as a Speaker or Writer

For anyone who would like to build a career based on their Sharing your expertise benefits both you and the people you aim to help. Isn’t it fulfilling to receive acknowledgment for the great value you offer?

2. Receiving expert recognition is meaningless. We all know that your confidence starts on the inside. The thought is, “it’s all about helping people — and I don’t have to be recognized to be of value.”

But to feel complete aliveness, it’s essential to share your gifts with as many people as possible. The fact is that if your desire is to serve many, many people, you must find ways for others to find you. Demonstrating your expertise through speaking or writing shows people that you have the solutions they are seeking.

3. Your strategy is to implement the Law of Attraction. This universal law contains awesome truths, and thinking positively is an essential component for succeeding in business.

It is also essential to know exactly how this universal law actually works. If you plan to make a wish and instantly achieve success, you most likely will be disappointed. It’s not that easy. You have to be consistently focused with the use of your mind and the strategic actions you take.

Adapting a strategy based only on magnetizing with the Law of Attraction is foolish. It will never be a reliable business strategy. Creating a clear plan that you can believe in is smart as a first step. This will lead you to an effective action plan. Then you have to continue to be persistent to create the desired results.

Your Prospects as a Highly Recognized Expert Writer or Speaker

When you have a problem that is keeping you up at night, wouldn’t you want to find a recognized expert? And how would you locate such an expert? You’d most likely read their writings or hear them speak.

By learning skills to expand your talents as a speaker or author, your overall expertise increases. And by conveying your message to the people you aim to help, you become successful.

Studying to gain recognition as an expert author or speaker can be fulfilling. Don’t you think you owe it to yourself, to your purpose in life, and your drive to make a difference to get your message out clearly to others? If so, attaining recognition as an expert can become a fun and important step on your journey!

Curious about how to get expert status as a writer or speaker? Then be sure to explore the resources available to you in The Experts Academy.

Also be sure to read this article: Five Keys to Becoming a Highly Paid Expert.

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