Monday, April 11, 2011

Practical Quotes From The Life Of The Great Mentor John Wooden

If you are looking for the perfect type of a mentor, John Wooden would have been the best choice. Coach Wooden passed away in the full age of ninety-nine. John Wooden trained the UCLA basketball team back in the sixties anywhere up to 70's. Also to reveal his life with other people he authored his very own autobiography, that was known as, "They Call Me Coach".

For many who knew him, Coach Wooden was really a mild spoken person. However when it is about the coach games and tactics, Coach Wooden was pretty accurate. Prior to when he turned a trainer, he was considered as a great point guard. He also received hall of fame honors being an athlete as well as a trainer. Whenever he'd speak out, he'd sound like a professor or a literary. The poems and quotes by Coach Wooden would certainly deliver the coach idea.

The late Coach Wooden had wonderful principles that he used in his lifestyle. He was living by the Seven Point Creed that he acquired from his biological father with his fantastic Pyramid of Success. Coach Wooden also based the quotes that the coach would give to many people on such principles.

His 7 point key points include things like:

  • "Be true to yourself."
  • "Make each day your masterpiece."
  • "Help others."
  • "Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible."
  • "Make friendship a fine art."
  • "Build a shelter against a rainy day."
  • "Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day."

John Wooden likewise forms the quotes in the Pyramid of Success consisting of Competitive Achievement, Poise, Self-assurance, State, Skill, Team Philosophy, Self-Control, Performance, Action, Determination, Industriousness, Camaraderie, Commitment, Alliance and Eagerness.
John Wooden's life story may help people to be a much better human being and achieve success in life. By way of his own core guidelines, private coach John Wooden attained his success. He was sharp to each and every fine detail. Coach Wooden even iterated on wearing socks the right way. He taught his participants the best way to do this. From the quotes by John Wooden, you would not exactly hear him talk about profiting. He would educate his participants to do the best they can for a goal. They would gain great results if they would do the best they can.

Private coach John Wooden was able to educate the most well-known players; and then he trained them in a truthful way. But, there were instances when Coach Wooden spent added time along with the larger players. Even so, he regarded the importance of each and every player. And his players just weren't able to apply his teachings in basketball only, but also in other aspects for instance medicine, ministry and online business.

You can learn many things with this book as well as the quotes by Coach Wooden. Just go to for additional details or get quotes by Coach Wooden.

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