Saturday, April 9, 2011

Getting Rid Of The Weight That Your Thyroid Problem Has Created

Not everyone likes to admit that the cause of their weight gain is a medical condition. It is frustrating to tell people that you can not lose weight because you have a thyroid condition. Not everyone will buy this and they will tell you that you need to start a fitness regimen. When you have an under active and over active thyroid you will not have a metabolism that is working in the manner it should which causes a person to struggle with their weight.
The thyroid is a vital gland. The hormones control how we burn calories. When your body is hypothyroid your heart beats at a slower rate than that of a normal heart so it is not a condition that should go untreated and for people who suffer from this condition, weight gain is one of the symptoms of low thyroid condition due to the slower metabolism which means that a person is not able to burn the calories that they take in as efficiently as they should and the extra calories that are not burned get stored in the body as layers of fat.
Once the problem of hypothyroidism is diagnosed a person can do many different things to help not only treat their thyroid but to also control their weight and although for some people the answer might be as simple as taking a low thyroid diet pills, the answer for others will be much more complex and will require that person to take several steps to control the hormone output of their thyroid.
A physician is the starting point for someone with this condition to determine what will be a proper course of treatment. By using different diagnostic procedures, an accurate assessment of a patients condition can be determined. It is important to determine a regimen based on your individual hormone levels. Every individual is different. The way that a person controls their thyroid will also vary.
Many of the drugs that are used to treat the thyroid can have other effects on a person and a health professional can advise the patient about these. Any medication that increases the appetite could be harmful to a person. One of the problems associated with thyroidism is unexpected weight loss or weight gain. If a side affect of the medication is also going to affect a person’s weight they should be aware of it.
Once you start on the medication for a thyroid condition, take it consistently. It is also good to take the medication on an empty stomach. If a person wants to accomplish this they need to think ahead about how they are going to do this on a regular basis.
Over the years there has been a lot said about making sure you do not skip your first meal of the day if you want to feel at your best. When you have a malfunctioning gland it becomes even more important advice. A healthy diet that starts out your day is very good at getting a person up and moving in the right direction. By eating right a person can give their body the best chance to burn calories efficiently. Pounds will not be added as easily if the metabolism is working better.
The last step is exercise. People need to work out if they want to control their weight. People need to get physical activity for at least twenty minutes every day. When dealing with a thyroid problem, there is even more of a need for this.
Anyone who suffers from a chronic condition needs to take responsibility for maintaining their health. Make the right choices for your body. The treatment can minimize the effects of the condition. The key is not to be known by the condition that you have but to be known as a person who has control of the condition.

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