Thursday, March 17, 2011

How I Flushed Away The Toxins

I decided to try a colon cleanse. There were many reasons behind my decision. I have approached my mid forties. Body aches and fatigue seemed to be a more common occurrence. It was difficult for me to be happy with the way I felt. I started reading articles about detox programs and felt that it was something that would benefit me greatly.
I decided that something had to change. I wanted to get back to the days that I used to remember. It would be great if I could make my body do what it used to do. When I was younger I could be seen without a shirt on. There was no way I was taking my shirt off at the beach now. Following some diet plan that limited my calories was not getting me into shape. I went to my doctor and had many tests that showed me to be in okay physical shape. But deep down I knew that something had to change. I made the decision to change what I did.
The key was to find some way to change it and although I had seen plenty of ads that promised to send me a colon cleanse free trial offer that would change my life overnight, I had been educated enough to know that a little bit of time spent researching the different plans and how they affected the body would be very helpful in making a choice that would produce the results that I wanted.
It did not take too long for me to come up with a way to help my body. It did turn out to be one of the colon cleanse free trial and although it was not going to cost me anything, I still felt it would be as effective as some of the plans that I researched that would have cost me a small fortune, so I went ahead and signed up for the trial and waited for my plan to arrive in the mail. It only took about a week before I received it. I stalled for a few more days before I finally started my cleansing program.
I did not have to diet on this plan. I did start to make healthier choices. Watching my caloric intake was definitely a key to dropping some pounds. I knew the key was to eat smarter. I lost 5 pounds in the first few days of my cleanse. Unfortunately my weight loss did not put much of a dent in changing my body shape. It would require many more pounds to have a positive effect. After completing the flush system for the week I was supposed to, I was happy. It was going to require me to put more effort into getting healthier.
There was little doubt that only doing this once was not going to be sufficient for me to reach my goals. For some people this might be sufficient and that is okay. For me, however this was something that I would have to do more regularly to get the results that I desired. I made the commitment to doing the cleanse on a regular basis. My goal was to do at least four detoxes a year. Making the right food choices was something that would also be important. Over the next year the combination of a healthy diet and the cleansing systems has been great. My belly is flat once again. I do not get sick as often. I feel well rested most of the time. I am enjoying doing the things that I thought had passed me by because of my age.

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