Saturday, March 26, 2011

The EFT Abundance Blueprint: Four Tips for Taking Control of Your Life

A fulfilling and abundant life--these are two of the topmost things we want for ourselves and our families. The secret to attracting abundance with EFT tapping is taking control and getting the Law of Attraction to operate for you. This EFT abundance solution holds the secret.

To start, what exactly is EFT tapping?

EFT, or the Emotional Freedom Techniques, consists of tapping on specific points on the body to let go of negative emotions. These are the emotions--like anger, fear, phobias, sadness, among others--that block you from realizing your dreams.

A lot of people describe EFT tapping as a modern miracle, because effects can be almost immediate. This technique is simple to master, and almost anybody can master it. And when you know just how it works, creating results using the EFT abundance formula generally just takes about 15 minutes a day.

The EFT Abundance Solution

1. Decide what you really want in life. Think about this: “If you didn’t have any restrictions of money, time, or geographical location, where would you want to be, what would you want to do, and what things would you choose to have?”

Every person has a purpose for existing, and something to contribute to the world. There’s the key to finding out what it is for you: pay attention to your heart. This is where you'll find your real desires. Think of the possibilities that give you the most excitement and joy in your heart and list all of them in your diary.

2. Understand what money represents to you. We all have diverse ideas about what money means--enjoyment, a way to achieve relaxation, happiness, power, security, and a lot more. Think about this: “If you want more, what does it provide to you?”

Money may not even be a key element for you to accomplish several of these things. With issues like low vitality or desiring to feel more comfortable, you may possibly just need to gain freedom from emotional blockages using EFT. The truth is, more money won’t solve many of these challenges. Releasing them is a vital component of the EFT Abundance Formula.

3. Be positive! This is how attracting abundance with EFT tapping gets the Law of Attraction to work for you. Be optimistic, be it with your feelings or thoughts.

Be deliberate in interjecting these positive thoughts throughout the day. Keep in mind that if you visualize negative possibilities, you will attract much more of the same. On the other hand, if you fill your mind with positive ideas, then more positive things will come to you.

Anxieties and negative thoughts about money hinder abundance. You can use EFT on a regular basis to eliminate blockages, like feelings of not having enough money or concerns of losing the money you already have.

4. Remind yourself what you want during the day. To stay focused, keep notes in places where you will see them often, for instance the refrigerator door, the mirror in your bathroom, and your office desk.

By using this EFT Abundance Solution, you can turn your life around. You hold the key to success.

Follow this link to learn more about the Emotional Freedom Techniques and how you can access more on EFT to change your life.

And be sure to get a free download of the most valuable book on abundance and the Law of Attraction, the Science of Getting Rich PDF, to read now.

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