Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Organisational Leadership: How to Become a Better Leader

Some of the most vital characteristics of an effective leader are the adaptability, intelligence and wisdom, conscientiousness, and assertiveness. Also, a transformational leader, one who has followers, is positive, empowering, and inspiring is a better leader who has a higher performing team. Here are ways to help you possess these characteristics and transform into a better leader:

1. Examine your leadership style.
It is vital to understand your own style of leadership. Know your strengths as well as the things you need to improve. Taking a professional and reliable leadership style quiz could give you a general concept on the way you lead a group of people. Upon learning your dominant leadership style, know if those qualities are hindering or helping your leadership. Then find ways to enhance your style of leadership.

2. Be a role model.
Transformational leaders display the qualities and behaviours that they encourage in their people. This makes their people admire them and work to acquire these traits. Transforming into a more effective leader requires modeling these characteristics the leader wants to see in his people.

3. Be passionate.
People tend to seek a person's guidance and leadership if he really shows concern about his team's goals. An effective leader sin't only focused on getting individuals to accomplish projects but he also displays unfeigned enthusiasm and passion for his group's projects. Think of various ways to show your zeal. Let your followers know that you genuinely care about their progress. When an individual shares something with the rest of your team, be sure that you let them know your thanks and appreciation for his contributions.

4. Listen and communicate effectively.
A transformational leader focuses on providing in-person, one-on-one communication with group members. He shows real concern for the members of his team both verbally and non-verbally. By maintaining open communication lines, he can make sure that his group members feel capable of making outstanding contributions and be recognized for the things they achieve.

5. Be positive.
a successful leader has an positive and cheerful attitude that inspires people. If a leader looks demoralized most of the time, his team would most likely be less inspired. Even if things seem hopeless and your team begins to feel hopeless, try your best to stay positive. However, this doesn't mean sugar coating things. It means keeping a sense of hope and optimism in the midst of hardships.

For additional excellent leadership strategies, try signing up for effective leadership courses Melbourne developed by Verve Potential.

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