Sunday, December 29, 2013

Becoming More Assertive At Work

Being assertive in the office lets you express your views, beliefs, wants, needs, and feelings without without violating others' rights. To be assertive is about listening to and addressing issues with your supervisors and/or team leaders and peers, showing confidence in your performance, being aware of and standing up for your rights in a professional and sensible way, and performing your best to get the most out of every circumstances. So, by being assertive in the office, you can reach the goals you've set and attain success in your career.

But while individuals are can display assertiveness innately, others are having a tough time conveying their feelings and thoughts, which delays or even halts their career's growth. So, how do you develop an assertive behaviour at work?


You have to without a doubt believe in your worth as an individual and as a part of your team. Know and recognise that you add value to your organisation and know that you're as valuable as anyone else at work. Do not let your overbearing supervisors or bossy colleagues take advantage of or demean you. Be confident and do not let your rights be stepped on. Do so in a professional manner.


Know and understand that although you have the right to convey your views and opinions or make a request, others also are given the right to say no or not agree. When this happens, you shouldn't feel upset or display an aggressive behaviour just to get what you want. Being assertive involves self-control which lets you work out a sound compromise. Take note that although you may not obtain results you're aiming for, it is always best to try.


To be assertive is having the confidence to say no to certain things that you aren't supposed to do. If it is tough for you to turn down unimportant or irrelevant tasks or favours from peers, begin by saying, "No. I am sorry but I was given some things to accomplish." Don't go around the bush. You can provide a brief explanation.

If you have already tried your very best to becoming assertive, and you're still that passive professional who can't say no and who isn't able to stand up for his or her own opinions, beliefs, and rights, it is best to consider getting a formal training course focused on being assertive for you to see the rewards of your hard work.

Unleash your full potential with ICML's comprehensive and effective time management skills training in Melbourne. Visit and discover more ways on how we can help you have a successful career.

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