Monday, September 24, 2012

Ways in order to Accomplish Personal Growth

The more you know about the world, the more interesting a person you are and the better you can make your own decisions. Read widely and learn about as many subjects as you can. Learning about history teaches us about the present and understanding how we got here. Find out about different ways of life and other countries. Travel if you can. Watch documentaries, take courses, and pursue things you are passionate about.

Personal growth means stretching yourself. Think of things you've never done or have always wanted to do and do them. Visit places you've never gone before. Confront yourself with new experiences, a different hobby, or a foreign cuisine. You will then be able to talk about a wide variety of things from personal experience.

The more you build your relationships, the better mirror on the world and reflection of yourself you attain. You get varied feedback, verbal and nonverbal, depending on who you are talking to. You can network acquaintances, co-workers, friends and family with each other and create a broadly based support system of people who know and respect you and who will help you to grow.

Try not to tire yourself by thinking about things that have already happened or worrying about things that might happen. We can only live in the present moment. Make the best decisions you can. If you are not satisfied with some of them, take steps to learn about things that will help you make better decisions.

Worry takes up a lot of energy. It also takes up time and mental energy that makes you feel more fearful and that you can't then spend on positive activities. You can't change the past. Work on forgiving yourself and others for things that still really bother you and that worry you from the past. As for worrying about things that might happen, some wise person said, "Don't borrow trouble." Plan to the best of your ability and learn about areas that might hold future concern for you.

Physical activity has been shown to actually release chemicals in our bodies that improve a sense of well-being. Also, increased flexibility and muscle strength leads to improved coordination and physical performance, another source of personal satisfaction. Find a routine that suits your life style. It could be enrolling in a local gym, going for walks in the park, riding a bicycle, learning yoga or tai chi, or engaging in a series of stretches and aerobic exercises several times a week.

Patience is key when trying to better yourself as a person. Things are not going to change overnight; you cannot just expect to wake up one day and be a whole new person. Changes take time, and you have to realize that or else you are going to just be setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

Do not focus on past mistakes. Everything happens for a reason, and instead of thinking of all of your faults, think of how to avoid these mistakes in the future. Try to focus on what you can do to make your life happier and more fulfilling now.

Personal development is not without effort and some pain. Give yourself challenges and make yourself stretch and grow. Sometimes things won't work out, but that teaches yourself something too. Sometimes the challenge is to have patience, or to restrain yourself.

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