Monday, September 24, 2012

Help Yourself By Going Out

Just about the best thing that comes from being an internet marketer is being able to work from home. You probably have quite a clear picture of what you expect from the experience of working at home.

You imagine the perfect office at home, one that is quiet and has no distractions and is a space where you only have to focus on the work you wish to do and the earning of millions of dollars. You imagine it is the space where you'll create a real business.

When you're working on your business, however, the office that once appeared so perfect now seems like it is stifling you. You're just staring at the walls for hours on end every day. You gaze mindlessly out of the same windows. The scene outside of those windows almost never changes. You could feel those feelings of boredom and your mind has a tendency to wander a lot more than it ever did before.

All of a sudden, you find yourself wasting hours and hours surfing the Internet for fun pictures of cats as opposed to actually working on your business. You spend many hours in message boards about your favorite television show rather than about your market's niche topic. You start looking for any excuse to get up and to take time off work.

Intrepid internet marketer, it is time to get out of the house.

If you have a laptop and no reason to make phone calls, it's amazingly easy to do your business outside the house. Working at the library or your local diner is just as simple as it is to work out of your office at home. In fact, you might even be better off, taking some time to work just outside of your home.

There are many scientific studies that will show you how some noise might actually enhance both output and creativity. Using a relatively quiet and isolated room as the standard, these studies prove a number of exciting things. Although really loud environments in which there are lots of people talking and radio is playing loudly, not as much work is getting accomplished. This ought to be totally obvious. Still, ambient noise or quiet background talking has proven to be extremely effective. If other individuals are in fact physically in the same space your creativity will get even higher. That's why you don't see the same results in folks who turn on the television for background noise.

If you think that's insane, consider this. When you work only at home, you won't have as many chances for networking or as many random opportunities fall into your lap. There is no way of knowing when the person who is sitting close to you at the coffee house is going to want to know more about you.

If you feel your mind starting to wander, get out of your chair and out of the house. If your computer can be taken someplace else get it. Or just use a regular notebook for some regular brainstorming. You will be amazed at how much you can actually do when you leave the confines of your office at home. Seriously, trust us on this! Leave the house!

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