Friday, August 17, 2012

Putting Your self First Regarding Once

Most people would like to improve themselves in one way or another, but often we are held back by invisible forces. Learn to recognize these obstacles in order to overcome them and reach your all-important goals in personal development.

Family ties. Although most people associate things like post-traumatic-stress syndrome with war and other violent events, growing up in a dysfunctional family can lead to a life of PTSD. Failure to acknowledge and treat the damage from childhood is one of the leading obstacles to personal development. Unhealed wounds haunt the present and dysfunctional habits die hard. Seek counseling, even short-term, or a support group to help you put your past in its place.

Substances. Although much fun and relaxation can be had by the afternoon or after work cocktail, things like alcohol are more conducive to stagnation and repetition than achievement. It may relieve tension or stress; most people who languish in substances find themselves reaching more for the next drink than the next goal. Prioritize your personal development above and beyond the instant gratification offered by substances.

There are twenty-four hours in the day and that can seem like hardly enough to get everything accomplished. Try to set aside at least thirty minutes for yourself each day. Take a little while to kick your feet up and relax, read a couple chapters in a book or go shopping. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as it is making you happy. The half hour will help you to recharge your batteries and feel ready to confront the rest of the day.

Make a set of goals that you would like to accomplish, along with strategies of how you will achieve them. If a particular goal is rather large, break it down into a list of smaller goals you can achieve along the way. This will help keep you motivated to strive to meet your goals without giving up. Reward yourself with something special each time that you achieve one of your goals. This will keep you feeling good about yourself.

Before you can overcome your social anxiety, you must understand it. Consider the reasons that being around other people makes you anxious. For instance, your fears may stem from a specific incident in your past, or you may be afraid of things that you have never actually experienced. No matter the root cause, identifying it and being aware of what triggers your anxiety is half the battle.

Reading about others with social anxiety may also help to ease your fears. Doing research about anxiety disorders online or checking out books from the library can help you see that you are not alone and you may find comfort in the fact that other sufferers have successfully overcome their fears. This can also serve as a reminder that the situations in which you are most fearful are generally not harmful.

As stated earlier in this article, it can be easy for life to get so hectic that you forget about yourself. Take a moment to discover what it is that makes you happy and feel good. Use the tips from this article to help yourself get on your way to improving your own personal development.

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