Friday, August 17, 2012

Fitness Advice For Students Going To College

College can be both stressful and overwhelming, and trying to maintain your physical fitness can seem like an impossible feat. College students on average gain weight as they start their new life, so it's a good idea to take the time to develop a fitness plan to stay active and healthy. Read on for some helpful advice for you to help ensure that you stay fit and healthy during your college years.

Make sure you're not drinking too much beer and other alcoholic beverages. You need to make sure that you have enough water to keep you hydrated as well. College students tend to party often, and they tend to consume alcoholic beverages and other unhealthy beverages more often than they even know. Consider putting down the beer, and think about healthier alternatives.

You should definitely be looking into fitness classes offered by the college. You are required to take a couple of physical fitness classes for any major, and sometimes even more than that. These are great for staying active and exploring different interests.

Get a physical or at least check in with your physician before starting a work out regimen. You are not what you used to be, and although exercise might return some of your former glory, you have to be mindful of your current state. Make sure that you have a green light to perform certain activities so that you do not injure yourself and ruin your attempt at a new you from the start.

Certain styles of yoga are great for older adults. While yoga is often viewed as thin young women sweating in heated rooms, there are classes that follow more of what is known as a yin style. Look for classes called restorative, deep stretch or maybe even slow flow.

Swimming is great exercise for anyone, but especially those getting up in years. In the water, there is very little weight bearing pressure on your hips, knees and ankles. Yet, at the same time, you can exercise them. Simply wading around in the shallow end is a great way to build and maintain knee strength. Swimming offers a great workout that tones up and can work your heart safely.

Challenging yourself and taking part in competitions is a great way to remain motivated and have some fun. You could organize friendly competitions with your friends or sign up for something more official. Consider training for a martial arts tournament, a tennis game, a dance competition, a race or even an amateur bodybuilding competition. If you need to be constantly challenged and motivated, join a football, volleyball or baseball team, and you will get to play against other teams all the time.

Investigate the choices open to you in regards to better fitness and health. Just a minimal amount of your time and attention can mean additional years of not just mobility, but fun, adventure, passion and looking great. Keep all that you have read here in mind and apply it to your life for many more great years in your future.

If you want to lose weight faster, then make sure you find out more about realistic weight loss goals or at least check out low calorie diet plan from today onwards.

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