Monday, August 13, 2012

Dealing with Your Money As A Young Adult

Are you having a hard time providing for your family? This article is filled with useful tips you that will help you save money.

Your first savings should be an emergency cash fund that can cover six to nine months of your living expenses. Do a thorough search on the Internet for the savings and money market accounts that are the best to use and offer the best interest rates. With online banking, you are no longer restricted to just banking locally, although a neighborhood checking account might be required to deposit and receive money to your online accounts.

When you are ready to start investing, bonds are a great place to start. They have a bit more risk than bank accounts, but they are almost certain to beat inflation and even give you some income. If you have a lot of money you want to invest into conservative income, an annuity is a sound choice, as you can get monthly payments for the rest of your life under certain circumstances.

Some adults still don't have the hang of budgeting, but getting a jump start now is a good way to make it a lifelong habit. Your budget can be as simple or as detailed as you like; you can keep it in a notebook or ledger, or use an online program or smartphone app. With your income in mind, create categories for rent, utilities and food, which should be your priorities.

Make sure that you are insured, whether through work, school, your parents or a policy you buy on your own. Health insurance is essential; you may feel invincible, but millions of young victims of freak illnesses, accidents, cancer and other conditions you don't want to think about, will beg to differ. If money is very tight, consider carrying catastrophic health insurance. This won't help for trips to the walk-in for antibiotics or regular check-ups, but it will pay for accidents or other events that are, well, catastrophic.

Other members of your family can earn money too. Your spouse could for instance start working or spend more time at work, and your children can take care of a few things at home so the parents can spend more time at work. If you have children who are over 16, let them know they can get a part-time job to be more independent. Make sure they do not work more than they should and remain focused on their studies. Help them find a good job and provide some helpful advice about workplace etiquette.

Encourage all family members to monitor their spending carefully. You should establish a strict budget for the entire family. When you receive your paycheck, put enough money aside to pay all your bills and perhaps pay your debt back if you owe money. Put some money aside if possible and use the remaining money to pay for groceries. There will probably not be any money left for small luxuries, but you can make up for this by spending quality time with your family. Remember that a cheap meal will be much more enjoyable if you share it with your family.

You should be able to manage your personal finances and provide for your family by following these tips. Make good use of the resources available and always think about the long term.

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