Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Hazardous And Deadly Potential Of Anabolic Steroids

Customarily when thinking of anabolic steroids, we automatically associate them with bodybuilders and weight lifters or simply to help become better athletically. Sadly, high school athletes are often reported to using them. Concerns are crucial due to grievous side effects that can come. At the same time, we must say that the range of the ill effects is subject to varying aspects. The dosage taken, length of time used as well as the quality of the substance all play an important role. We will review several known effects of anabolic steroids in this article.

Just like with so many other drugs, the extent of physical damage and associated risks will depend on certain conditions. But liver damage is almost a certainty in these situations. Minor liver damage is almost a certainty, but more extreme degrees of damage may result in cancer or even organ failure. The kidneys are also affected by steroid use, and the end result can be just as serious. When you take steroids orally, you increase these risk factors. Injecting the substance directly into the muscle seems to be a method that does not carry the same chance of damage. For more facts you should have a peek into Facts Of Anabolic Steroids.

Research done years ago concluded that testosterone has a significant effect on male pattern baldness. The hormone is metabolized into many different components. One product that may contribute to male pattern baldness would be DHT. The degree as to which you hair is affected will depend on the degree of steroid use, hence the amount of DHT in your system. Among the many problems that may arise, one specific issue may be the harmful effect to your skin.

So you can see that not all of the side effects associated with steroid use are dire in nature. Even though these side effects are not medically significant, they can have dire social consequences. Men and women alike experience water retention, for example. The heart has to then work extra hard to circulate blood through the engorged tissue. On a more serious note, the ability of the blood to clot can also be affected. The enzyme regulating functions of the liver can become impaired as well. Cholesterol problems are known to also plague steroid users. So clearly, the range of side effects is pretty extensive for both genders. Researches have proved that steroids mostly causes erectile dysfunction. However what is more scaring is the fact that inspite of knowing about the side effects, boys use steroids. Once they encounter the side-effects most adult men have to opt for medications like levitra, cialis to fight the crisis. As this is a very delicate problem, adult men find it extremely hard to visit a doctor and discuss their worries. So they opt for Levitra Tablets.

Clearly, dangerous contraindications due to abusing anabolic steroids are present. The magnitude of the negativity depends on several issues. Even knowing the medical risk these steroids bring, athletes will continue taking them because they have the illusion of athletic grandeur. We've only reviewed some of the effects that can happen in the liver. Still others are possible that are as serious as the ones discussed. It's important to keep in your mind the inherent risk to your multiple body functions as they burden your organ systems.

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