Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How Brainwave Entrainment With Isochronic Tones Can Help You With An Effective Meditation?

When isochronic tones are used as a stimulus under certain scenarios, research has shown evidence of advantageous results such as anxiety decrease and enhanced concentration. Below are simply a few of the reasons one may use this technology ...

Cognition / Attention / Focus: A growing body of research is revealing that brainwave excitement can be an extremely efficient device to promote attention and focus.

Tension Reduction: This session is made to be naturally relaxing, alleviate stress and anxiety.

Emotional Security / Mood Support: Years of neuro-feedback research have exposed certain brainwave patterns characteristic of negative state of minds and extremely emotional mental states.

Brain Waves & Awareness.

Beta (13-26 Hz) Alert concentration and problem-solving.

Alpha (8-13 Hz) Alert relaxation.

Theta (4-7 Hz) Deep relaxation and enhanced learning.

Delta (1-3 Hz) Deep rest.

These tracks were custom-made with a specialized, advanced recording software application.

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