Saturday, January 19, 2013

Survival Medicine For The 21st Century Is The Best Guide For Protection

Survival Medicine For the 21st Century is an information packed guide of 2,200 pages on Natural Allopathic Medicine by Dr. Mark Sircus. The book is priced at around $100, but it is not that costly when you consider the amount of information it provides.

If you wish to be equipped for any medical or health issue that might occur, this book will be helpful for you. It doesn't take a genius to see the system we have is not really working. With all of the money that has been expended searching for cures for medical conditions like cancer or heart disease, you would think that there would be a few answers by now.

Many people are ready for a new strategy to cure medical conditions, and this book offers it. Just in case there's any misunderstanding, Dr. Sircus has come up with a natural alternative which is nonetheless allopathic in its approach. Natural Allopathic Medicine is what he calls his way of thinking. He examines how emergency rooms and intensive care units care for patients and uses this as a model for a broader model. Many of his healing techniques are based on using several primary ingredients -iodine, sodium bicarbonate, alpha lipoic acid and magnesium chloride. Dr. Sircus also believes in employing "soft medicine" whenever possible. He recognizes the value of spiritual, emotional and mental factors with regards to healing the body and devotes around 500 pages to this. In Survival Medicine we have the model for a type of healing that could result in a revolution in health care.

There are several new psychologies presented in this book, such as the psychology of communication and listening. You will also discover the psychology of color and perception, the psychology of touch, the psychology of orgasm and the psychology of the heart. Each chapter is like its own book, and one of them is described as Miracles in Medicine and Massage. It offers you a great deal of valuable information on the healing power of touch. Another one is called the Waters of Life, which provides you with information on the importance of pure water.

One of the topics this book examines in greater detail is toxicology, about how we are subjected to all types of noxious elements in our environment. A few important examples of this are mercury and the danger of low level radiation. The typical issue of mercury fillings could cause a whole host of health problems.

This book, "Survival Medicine For the 21st Century", could give you plenty of information to save you from many of the illnesses that plague humanity. The information is there, but it won't do you much good unless you buy the book, and then read the book, and then put what you read into practice. $99.90 might seem like a great deal of money, but pretty affordable when you start adding up all of the doctor visits.

If you're interested in increasing your survival skills you may want to think about investing in a product like the one on this web site. Certainly make sure you have a look at bonus page to learn what people are saying concerning it in the comments.

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