Thursday, January 31, 2013

How Every Great Pickup Artist Became The Man He Is Today

You may think that some guys were born having the ability to be a pickup artist, but the fact is that no man is born having the ability to understand how women think and how they will react to you and your approach, and how to use that information to your benefit. There are three steps that make a man a great pickup artists and nearly all ladies men have gone through these steps.

1. He Got A Mentor

Many guys make an effort to learn things on their own. Nevertheless, after a couple of rejections it becomes clear that in order to learn how to be successful with women, they are either going to need to go through a lengthy trial and error system, or get a mentor who has already done the trial and error and determined what works and what doesn't with women.

A mentor doesn't have to be somebody who you meet personally to discuss your weaknesses and strengths; although, if you can get a mentor who will do that then that is a bonus. One-on-one time with a guy who really gets women will never hurt!

Nevertheless, a mentor can be any experienced person who has shared his information by writing a book or in today's advanced world by making a website. He can be a guy who you have never met, but is willing to share his secrets, tips and tricks for picking up any woman you want.

2. Talking With Other Guys

Whilst you will learn a lot from a mentor, you can perfect what you learn from him by speaking with a group of men. If you find it difficult to go out with men and discuss your pickup skills then you can join an online community such as a PUA forum.

There are many people on pick up artist forums who can assist you by answering questions about picking up women but you will get far more help than that. You will find men who can help you with your self-confidence, humor, relationships skills, and a lot more. A PUA forum will be a great place to find out techniques and boost your pickup artist skills to perfection.

3. He Learned From Rejection

You may think that the guy who gets all the women has never been rejected, but the fact is that he has been. Truth be told, any rejection in his past has helped him become the great pickup artist that he is today.

Every man can have an incredible mentor and a group of guys to discuss problems with, but if he is not learning precisely what works and what doesn't work in the real world, then he will never be an amazing pickup artist.

Small details for example how you use your body gestures, what you say to a woman, and how you react to her responses can make or break your success with women. Nevertheless, you can only perfect your skills with real live women. Once you get rejected, you can eliminate that cause of rejection from your approach and ensure that you are never rejected for it again!

Finally, any guy who is a great pickup artist today has either gone through this 3-step procedure or spent years by himself perfecting his game through trial and error. If you want to understand how to pickup women, then it is best to use the above mentioned three steps.

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