Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tips To Get A Loved One To Burn Fat

It can be hard to lose weight because we sabotage ourselves in thousands of small ways without realizing it. However, if you don't pressure yourself to lose weight and make weight loss fun and easy, you'll see the pounds peel off.

If you're at a party or a buffet restaurant, it can be tempting to eat a lot of cookies, cake and other junk food. If you don't allow yourself to eat any of this kind of food, you may find yourself overeating later. So instead, make a commitment to eat a little less of these sorts of foods than you usually eat. For example, instead of eating ten cookies, eat nine or seven or five. This will save you some calories and you'll still be able to enjoy treats that aren't totally on your diet.

There are many things you can do to help your loved one become motivated to lose weight without making them feel uncomfortable. Begin going for walks after dinner and ask your loved one to join you for some company. This not only gives you time to bond but you are secretly getting your loved one on the road to a healthier life, quite literally. Purposefully choose fun activities for you both to do that are physically active, such as hitting balls at the batting cages or renting a canoe for the day. Be creative and before you know it your loved one will be losing weight and being more physically active without even realizing it.

With some people, blunt honesty is the best policy. If your loved one is one of these people, then the best way to get through to them is just be honest. Tell them you are concerned about the extra weight they are carrying around and the impact it is having on their body. Tell them you love them and want them to be healthy and live a long life. It is most important, however, to offer your support in any way you can to them. Despite what you may believe, they will appreciate your concern and the fact that you love them enough to bring it up.

Read labels carefully and do some research about the foods you usually eat. Certain products are advertised as 'lite' or 'fat-free' but contain other unhealthy ingredients. You should avoid high fructose corn syrup, trans fat and high levels of sodium. Do not let a commercial make you think a product is healthy until you read the label. You should be careful about the processed meat, fruit juices, microwave diners and baking preparations you buy. You should buy organic foods if possible; even though these products are a little more expensive, there are no unhealthy hidden ingredients.

Watching a loved one carry around a significant amount of extra weight can be painful. You do not have to sit quietly by and do nothing, for there are things that you can do to help. Use the information from this article to bring up the subject of weight loss with your loved one, without hurting anyone's feelings.

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