Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Reasons Why Reflective Repatterning Works Best With Coaching

In this video, Chris Milbank talks about how Reflective Repatterning is even more effective with coaching.

Many traditional therapies operate on the premise that the unfavorable aspect is the only area that has to be focused on. However, not being able to like a problem indicates there is still a charge and there is still something that we can't release. Reflective Repatterning is an effective therapy that works with opposites. Clearing the opposites of the problem will clear the energy producing a state of neutrality and liberty.

Other therapies focus on the worries our daily lives and issues from the past in regards to the negative side of the concern. Reflective Repatterning therapy clears the negative side of the concern, while also clearing what lies under under the surface. This permits you to more fully heal the things that are below the surface by healing any resistance to loving the issue.

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