Friday, May 23, 2014

Tips to Empowering Employees

Companies widely rely on the employees. When employees feel that they're empowered, they produce well improved results for their organisation. In most organisations, managers are the ones responsible for empowering the employees, and providing them necessary tools to take on their job. If managers don't empower their employees, it may result in unhappy people and low performance and productivity.

Below is a helpful guide to empowering people at work:

1. Assign duties and projects according to skill. Try not to give duties that are not within the skills set of an employee, otherwise, doubt will emerge within the employee and reduces his self-confidence level. Assign a specific project and be sure to make yourself available to attend to or answer any of his questions.

2. Listen to them. Pay close attention to any suggestions or complaints. It is very much possible that they understand their duties and responsibilities better than you do. Listen to their ideas and opinions about making their jobs easier. Acknowledge the individuals who share ideas that deserve to be applied. Acknowledging them both privately and publicly raises their spirits.

3. Communicate with them. Talk to the employees about any changes the department or the entire organisation may experience. Although you don't want to unveil the plans too soon, making sure they're informed shows that you truly care about their well-being. Communicate with them regularly to know how satisfied they are about the entire organisation.

4. Assign decision-making responsibilities to those who prove themselves to be responsible and adept at taking on bigger tasks. A manager should build work environments that support the process of decision making, which can help employees to empower themselves.

5. Establish a positive work environment. Create policies that help in such undertaking. Do not turn to dictatorship. People tend to be more open to directions and instructions when they feel they're a valuable part of a team. When the contributions of employees are valued, they would be able to generate best outcomes.

6. Show that you appreciate everything they do for the company. Recognize them when they accomplish a very challenging task or done the extra mile. For example, if an employee meets his quota, show appreciation by sending an email or note of congratulations or giving an incentive or bonus.

7. Provide valuable resources. Equip your employees with the right technological resources training and tools necessary for them to achieve best outcomes. If you don't have these, seek help from professionals and coaches. Visit the online site of Verve Potential to know how professional leadership skills training courses can help you empower your employees and help them do their best.

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