Monday, May 20, 2013

Simple And Effective PUA Techniques

Are you a newbie pick-up artist and you are looking to get women fast? Well you have come to the appropriate place for some starting advice! Here you will learn about different PUA techniques that work well. You can just go out, test these techniques and see how amazing they can be in helping you get a woman.

Direct And Indirect Openers

Direct openers, and pick up artistry generally, takes some guts. Girls aren't willing to spend their time with introverts. The most important thing is that your personality should exude confidence. With the direct opener, among the most common PUA techniques, you need to be assertive. Walk to her, and let her know that you feel she is really cute. Her reply will show you whether or not you have attained your goal. It is now essential that you keep her interest long enough to get her phone number. Tell her that she is really beautiful and that you are interested in her.

If you are really too shy to initiate a connection with a direct opener, then use an indirect opener. Rather than bluntly complimenting her, you must ask her a question and pretend that it is important (like asking for a map of the place). If she complies and does not seem negative about your strategy, then you have successfully opened the conversation. Now is the moment to tell her "Hey, you are really cute," and ask for her phone number.

Assumption Building

Bravery is a chick magnet, and being shy will get you nowhere. If you want to attract girls then you should not be passive. A pick-up artist technique that may take some time perfecting, but that will pay off big time, is assumption making. Assume attributes about her, do not ask. If you guessed right, she will be very curious as to how and now you have hooked her attention. Never fret if you guessed incorrectly, she will most likely laugh and correct you. Your bravery has thus been revealed! Keep in mind: a dialogue with a woman isn't an interview.

What To Do Before Selecting?

This PUA strategy is about making your own social value seem high to women. A lot of women are more likely to go for guys who have high social standings, because they are harder to get and therefore more pleasing. You can also seem difficult to get if you already show interest in another girl. Being already taken by someone turns you into the forbidden jewel for any girl. Without even opening, you have caught the attention of the majority of women in the club!

Surprisingly, social interaction with other dominant guys is part of pre-selection. Girls will think that you are included in the "it" crowd, that quickly sets the bar higher.

Most Importantly...

The only way you will ever become good at pick up artistry is to practice! Always practice new things, and you'll find what works and what does not. Girls won't be able to get enough of you once you've reached the top level of pick up artistry. You just have to implement these techniques the next time you go out to get a woman.

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