Friday, March 8, 2013

Message from Mahavatar Babaji to Toby Alexander (Swami Shivananda Brahmananda)

In early 2006, Toby Alexander was contacted by Mahavatar Sri Babaji Nagaraj, an ascended yogi master who works from the upper planes and is immortal, has been around for over 3500 years, can bi-locate, teleport, and change the angular rotation of particle spin inside his cells to manifest his physical form in any location, simply by intent. Babaji was first introduced to westerners in the best-selling classic, Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda. In the book, Mentored by a Mahavatar: Conversations with Babaji Nagaraj, you will be able to experience the exact conversations, DNA activations, energy clearings, and divine shaktipat through Babaji’s words that Toby Alexander experienced, un-edited, and enabled him to become THE leading authority on ascension, DNA Activation, and self-actualization.

Imagine if an ascended master contacted you, agreed to train you daily, one on one for 4 years, and lifted the veils on who you REALLY ARE, what your MISSION IS, and guided you through sacred teachings and activations to EMBODY your Christos Avatar Self. Well, this video shows how all of this evolved the REAL DAVINCI code that is going on in the planet right now.

Babaji rarely speaks to anyone here in the 3D and there are no other books or videos out there of this kind, as Babaji only speaks DIRECTLY to his disciples and NEVER does any channeling. So this video is DIRECT information un-edited from Babaji showing his wisdom, love, humor, and mastery. If you are serious about self-actualization and self-mastery, the activation contained in this video is a MUST, especially in these important times.

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