Bob Proctor is widely regarded as one of the living masters and teachers of The Secret. He is the best selling author of You Were Born Rich, and has transformed the lives of millions through his books, seminars, courses and personal coaching spanning the last 40 years.

DAVID SCHIRMER Investment specialist, teacher, and creator of the company Trading Edge, David Schirmer specializes in teaching unlimited wealth strategies and abundance.

JOHN ASSARAF Moneymaking and business-building expert, John Assaraf is also an international best selling author, lecturer, and he has dedicated the last 25 years to researching the human brain.

Marie Diamond is an internationally known Feng Shui Master. She has been practicing for more than 20 years, refining the knowledge given to her at an early age. She created Diamond Feng Shui, Diamond Dowsing and Inner Diamond Feng Shui to bridge the Law of attraction in your environment.

DR. JOHN F. DEMARTINI D.C. BSC Philosopher, chiropractor, healer and personal transformation specialist, John Demartini is a prolific author and international speaker, travelling 300 days a year teaching and transforming lives.

MIKE DOOLEY Author, international speaker, founder of TUT's Adventurers Club and creator of the much-loved Notes from the Universe. On a daily basis Mike Dooley touches the hearts of readers from 169 countries with his inspirational teachings and wisdom.

FRED ALAN WOLF PH.D. Quantum Physicist and National Book Award winning author of Taking the Quantum Leap, Fred Alan Wolf is a prolific writer and lectures throughout the world making quantum physics accessible to millions.

BILL HARRIS Founder of Centerpointe Research Institute and creator of Holosync mind transforming audio technology, Bill Harris' work has enabled thousands of people worldwide to lead happier lives.

JAMES ARTHUR RAY Philosopher, lecturer, author and creator of true wealth, prosperity, and human potential programs, James Ray is also an expert on many eastern and mystical traditions.

MARCI SHIMOFF MBA Co-author of the highly successful Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul, Marci Shimoff is an international speaker and transformational leader whose work continues to inspire many lives.

LISA NICHOLS Teacher and co-author of the bestselling Chicken Soup for the African American Soul SERIES, Lisa Nichols is an inspiring and powerful advocate of personal empowerment. Her dedicated work has transformed the lives of thousands of teenagers, WOMEN AND ENTREPRENEURS.

MORRIS GOODMAN Dubbed "The Miracle Man", Morris Goodman made headlines in 1981 when he recovered from horrific injuries after crashing his airplane. He was told he would never walk, speak, or function normally again, but today Morris travels the world inspiring and uplifting thousands of people with his astounding story. Morris's wife, Cathy Goodman, also features in The Secret, telling her own inspiring account of self-healing.

NEALE DONALD WALSCH Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger and the best selling author of the groundbreaking 10-book Conversations with God series, which broke all records on the New York Times Best Sellers List. Neale has published 22 books, as well as video and audio programs, and travels the world carrying the message of a New Spirituality.

JOHN GRAY PH.D. Psychologist, international speaker and author of the best-selling relationship book, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, John Gray's work has inspired millions across the planet.

DR. DENIS WAITLEY PH.D Psychologist and trainer of NASA astronauts and Olympic athletes in the field of mind potential, Denis Waitley is also the creator of the all-time bestselling self mastery audio program, The Psychology of Winning.

LORAL LANGEMEIER Wealth specialist and dynamic speaker, Loral Langemeier coaches individuals and corporations on building wealth, and she has assisted many people in becoming millionaires.

BOB DOYLE Author and Law of attraction specialist, Bob Doyle focuses on the science of the law of attraction and its practical application. He is the creator of a powerful multi-media program, Wealth Beyond Reason.

JACK CANFIELD Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles™, is the co-creator of the phenomenal #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, which currently has more than 100 million copies in print.

DR. JOE VITALE MSC.D. Metaphysician and one of the top marketing specialists in the world, Joe Vitale has written numerous bestselling books on success and abundance including The Attractor Factor and Life's Missing Instruction Manual.

MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITH Dr. Beckwith is a nonaligned, trans-religious progressive, who teaches meditation, scientific prayer, conducts retreats, and speaks at conferences and seminars. He is the originator of the Life Visioning Process, and author of Inspirations of the Heart, 40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast, and A Manifesto of Peace.

HALE DWOSKIN Teacher and author of the New York Times best seller The Sedona Method, Hale Dwoskin's powerful releasing technique has transformed the lives of hundres of thousands.

DR. BEN JOHNSON M.D. N.M.D. D.O. Originally trained in western medicine, Dr. Ben Johnson overcame a life threatening illness and has now become a leader in energy healing and the healing system entitled "The Healing Codes".

JOHN HAGELIN, PH.D. Award winning physicist and public policy expert, Dr. John Hagelin was awarded the prestigious Kilby Award in recognition of his major contributions to society through his groundbreaking scientific discoveries. He is regarded by many as one of the greatest scientists on the planet today.

LEE BROWER Wealth trainer specialist and author of The Brower Quadrant, Lee Brower empowers individuals, families, foundations and businesses to optimize their meaning and performance.
1 comment:
Thank you for the tips and advice. I have even gained knowledge just from reading this post.
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