Rick Pitino covered this extensively inside of his book by the very same title. Inside he documents case after case, of dealing with "kids" that were under performing on the court and in life.
Why were they missing the mark?
Many didn't understand how. They never ever had a coach, or sometimes a parent that was truly into developing their capacity.
FAIR DISCLOSURE Here: Some of Mr. Pitino's students were born into some really unfavorable circumstances. Mama's addicted to illicit medicines, rampant alcoholic abuse, public help dependency syndrome that in one case was multi-generational in effect ... and the list goes on and on.
Here's the point: Rick took these students, showed to them ways to demand even more from themselves than they ever would have had he not come into their lives. And you understand exactly what resulted? They carried on like super stars! They ended up being super-successes not simply in athletics, but in life. Look at Mark Jackson for a case study.
How does this relate to you?
You are no different than any of Rick's students. You have ability right now to carry out at your peak, but you don't. Why not? Tony Robbins' study shows you simply don't have a system. A pure predictable passion generating device that guides you down the path you prefer a lot of.
Inside of Success Is A Choice Journal, you'll be able to record your explorations with Mr. Pitino's system. If you haven't already created the practice yet, you need to be journaling right now.
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If you want to keep reading, we'll share a couple of even more details about the Success Is An Option Journal. I got mine and I make use of daily. This as Mr. Pitino instructs puts the odds of success in your favor. By learning this system now there is nothing that will certainly be out reach for you.

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With this sister journal to Success Is a Choice, you will certainly be able to journal your understandings, advancements and improvements using Rick Pitino's concepts, swiftly and easily.